
Tamreen Application

Tamreen is an application that contains questions and tests for students of all grade levels,Where student can submit a test at the level of one lesson or at the unit level.

Parents can also monitor their children’s performance and view their test results by creating a sub-account for each student.

Tamreen Features ?

Tamreen  has the advantage that most of the test questions are dynamic. The student may be asked the same question, but with different numbers and different answers, to ensure that the student has understood the lesson and has not memorized it.The application is also distinguished by the fact that its questions are varied and interactive, in which there are multiple-choice questions, fill in the blank, and draw on the coordinate level, .. etc  of many different options of answers.

Track your progress & more

Parents trust Tamreen to help their kids reach their academic potential. Also you can track your kid progress, knowing were he made mistakes, his performance through time.

With many other great features

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Let the learning begin

Tamreen is available now on both google play and apple store, so get it now and lets the learning begin.

Tamreen on Google Play   Tamreen on Apple store


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App Trailer


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Amman, Jordan

Amman, Khalda
Alroqey Altam Lelteqaneyyat