Cashcoolcom System

CashCoolCom (By Sambet) contains flexible and comprehensive features for financial management that allows for the follow-up of the money flow in companies in a valid and safe manner, and provides decision-makers with the ability to access financial information accurately and rapidly according to their needs thus enhancing their ability to take the right decision in a timely manner.

In addition, CashCoolCom provides the capability to review and track all the activities of the company's accounts, which assists in the management and addressing of accounts payable and accounts receivable.

Why CashCoolCom

Suitable for all users: 
All users’ categories can work on CashCoolCom, due to the “easy to use” quality of the system.

Convenience:  Very easy to use through simple and easy to use windows to ensure speed and accuracy of work.

Accurate Permissions System: the program contains a security system to address and define the levels of permissions given to users of different modules, and determine the permission validity of each user to the data that concerns him.

A variety of Reports transactions: the ability of exporting reports to MS Word, MS Excel, PDF, RTF to facilitate sending these reports over the Internet or e-mail.

User’s Manual: the program is available with a full manual that explains how to use the program.

Protecting files from damage: the program provides maximum protection for your files using a secured files system and automated backup operations

Appropriate to the needs of all companies of all sizes: the system supports databases: SQL Express 2005, making it suitable for small businesses and individuals. It also supports SQL Server 2005, making it capable of handling large volumes of data quickly and easily and thus appropriate to the needs of large and medium-sized companies.

 Financial Management Features


Build the Accounts-Tree in a smooth and easy way that enables the user to build an endless number of levels of accounts

Address the closure of a financial year and the removal of this closure: the ability to close and lift this closure for more than once without any problems with the posting of balances to the next period. After making sure that the Trial Balance of the period is correct, the financial year closure will be fixed once and for all.

Diversity in Accounts: the ability to define an unspecified number of account types and levels within the Balance Sheet or the Income Statement.

Addressing the Receivable and Payable accounts, Addressing the opening balances of accounts and Addressing all kinds of checks

Controlling expenses and income accounts: the ability to control projects’ expenses and income using cost centers

Controlling the movement of Cash: by using sales and payment receipts with the ability for automated posting of these receipts to General Ledger and Journal

Controlling the collection of Receivables: by providing a report to study the collection percentages to identify the customers who are the more committed to pay

High control on all the transactions carried out by users: program maintains a register which enables management to control all the transactions that have been accomplished by users on the program. It also keeps the user names, the dates and times of transactions and shows the type of each transaction.

Production of various administrative and accounting reports such as: the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Trial Balance, Budget reports, Cash Flow Statement, accounts data report, Customers’ Balances, a report of the time period for client’s indebtedness (aging reports), balance details for each client with the ability to inspect reports on the screen before printing as well as the ability to print all receipts  

Sales and Inventory

CashCoolCom helps in reducing manual work which contributes to increased sales and time saving.

CashCoolCom helps in simplifying daily procedures for Inventory Control. In addition, it provides effective management of finished goods, and provides an easy way to manage materials, as well as more accurate control of inventory, and trading transactions.

Sales system
  • Addressing Sales invoices and Payments

  • Addressing Procurement Bills and Receipts of all kinds
  • The ability to calculate materials cost for vouchers not including cost of such materials.
  • Automatic and manual serial numbering for all transactions done during the year
  • Providing comprehensive customizable reports
  • Providing a list of sales of items for a certain period of time for one customer or for all customers
  • Providing a detailed sales report monthly or for a certain period of time for one customer or for all customers
  • Providing a sales report for a certain period of time based on the type of sales bill
Inventory System
  • Inventory balance statement
  • A statement of the transactions of a certain item within a certain period
  • A statement of Inventory quantities (statement of material in each store separately)
  • A statement of the total items recorded, entered during a certain period (summary)
  • A statement of the movement of a all items
  • Items units statement
  • A statement of Inventory (goods on hand)
  • A statement of items quantities for a certain customer

Point Of Sale

Cashcoolcom POS Helps businesses across various industries including grocery stores, supermarkets, Restaurants and general retail

      • Easy to use.
      • All-in-one custom POS solution
      • Inventory Management
      • Comprehensive customizable reports 
      • Detailed sales and profit reports
      • Cashier permissions management
      • Compatible with touch screens, Barcode devices and scales.
      • Fully integrated with Inventory and Accounting System


Human Resources Management

CashCoolCom provides a complete solution for the management and follow-up to all personnel in companies of all sizes.

This product will help companies to keep records of personal and job information for all personnel. It will also enable management to monitor the attendance of staff accurately, in addition to obtaining an automated mechanism to handle income tax and social security.

Personnel System

Keeping data related to all staff: ease of recording and keeping of detailed data on staff, such as personal data, address and expertise. Also, the details of salary, compensation, deductions and others

Handling all types of leave: based on the date of appointment, in addition to medical reports

Ease of defining sections and jobs: the definition of multiple departments and job titles which contributes to the organization of work and their follow-up

Printing multiple report options: the ability of printing various administrative and control reports, which include personnel data, staff leave reports, medical reports concerning them, and reports of administrative decisions issued to staff

Personnel Payroll System

Keeping all data on Personnel Payroll: which includes Basic salary value, identifying personnel who are subject / not subject to social security benefits and income tax, income tax exemptions to the employee's salary according to the laws of Income Tax Department, various allowances and bonuses (rewards) owed to the employee's salary, and all types of deductions which the employee salary is subject to.

Various ways to calculate salaries and wages: Calculating different types of salary including overtime payments, and different types of leave and income tax. In addition to the ability to calculate the salary in any day of the month

Handling Social Security and Income Tax data in accordance with the Income Tax Law

Handling loans granted to employees according to a specified mechanism: the reimbursement of loan amount is done by distributing it into installments which is automatically deducted from the employee's salary at the end of each month until closing the loan amount.

Production of different management and control reports: such as reports of the basic data for personnel salaries, income tax and deductions reports, allowances and bonuses (rewards) reports, salary slip for each employee and others.

Time Attendance System

With the increase in business volume each day, companies’ owners are concerned from weakness or decline of production increase. There is no doubt that the failure to discipline in working hours is one of the most important factors affecting the production operation. “CashCoolCom for Human Resources Management" gives you the ability to control staff attendance through the "Time Attendance System"

Handling different systems of employees’ working hours: defining employees working hours and their types, and the ability to define different periods of time for an unlimited number of shifts of work, and handling staff leave cases.

Automated or manual handling for staff attendance: the ability to handle daily working hours automatically through attendance control device (fingerprint, barcode or magnetic cards reader devices). The system also has the capacity to handle daily working hours manually by recording the time of the beginning and end of work hours.

Calculating Overtime automatically based on staff attendance data and work shifts.

Providing detailed or totals reports of attendance: the ability to review a detailed report of an employee attendance during a certain period



  • 2022-02-05